Earth Unity Globe

Earth Unity Publishing, LLC

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This page shows the complete Earth Unity catalog followed by some mp3 clips at the end of the listings. If you want to see the lyrics and feelings/ moods and subjects/ themes of the songs on the Roots Is.. album click here Song Subjects/Themes and Feelings/ Moods

Artist: Sky Crow

Album: "Gypsy Trails"

Echoes of the Universe
And all Became
Gypsy Trails
Funk from Mars
Temple of Ancients

Artist: Freesound

Album: Cosmic Sailors

New Horizon
Doodah Man
Lonely Streets
Who Do We Fool
Deep Water Blues
Eyes of Day
Spoken True

Album: Roots Is...

Freesound's LYRICS convey poetic messages, both important and lasting. For the LYRICS and the FEELINGS/ MOODS and SUBJECT/ THEMES of each song on the Roots Is... album click here Song Subjects/Themes and Feelings/ Moods

She Can't Be Satisfied
Shine On Me
Black Rider
One Bright Day
Up We Go
Magic Wall
Infinite Ocean
Evil Moon
Sweet Soul Music
Carry On
Dream Upon a Misty Sea

Album: Freesound (rock)

Wildest Place
Honey Babe Blues
Ocean of Dreams
Shades of Blue
Watermelon Lover
Little Girl
Lovely Bright Yellow
Yours & Mine
Blue Moons of Saturn
Land Of Love

Album: Soul Rockers

Soul Rockers
Good & Evil
Going to the Sky
Mystic Rastaman
Right Track
Most High
Sweet Sensi
Mango Man
Children of Zion
Noah & The Ark

Below is the link for streaming of Sky Crow music

Sky Crow (electronic)

Sky Crow Music

Below are some mp3 clips

FreeSound (self-titled) (Soul Rock)

  1. Wildest Place Clip (mp3)
  2. Watermelon Lover Clip (mp3)
  3. Land of Love Clip (mp3)
  4. Yours and Mine Clip (mp3)
  5. Honey Babe Blues Clip (mp3)

Mango Man (REGGAE)

  1. Soul Rockers Clip (mp3)
  2. Sweet Sensi Clip (mp3)
  3. Going to the Sky Clip (mp3)
  4. Right Track Clip (mp3)
  5. Children of Zion Clip (mp3)

Roots is...

  1. Shine on Me (mp3), (Real Audio)
  2. Up We Go (mp3), (RealAudio)
  3. Black Rider (mp3), (RealAudio)
  4. One Bright Day (mp3), (RealAudio) ... Reggae